Regardless of the sponsorship mode selected by your company, in order to ensure that their details are entered in the electronic system, participants from sponsoring companies are advised to register for the conference by sending the registration form for the following email addres: rne-cie2016@ua.es.


La cena de gala se realizará en el Restaurante Aldebarán y para poder asistir es imprescindible rellenar el boletín de reserva y enviar la copia de la transferencia realizada mediante e-mail.


The trade exhibition will be staged in the entrance hall of the Salón Alabastros function room in Hotel Husa Alicante Golf, thereby assuring the maximum interaction with participants throughout the entire duration of the event. If you wish to view the exhibitor installation rules, please click here.


If your company wishes to take part in the specific sales sessions, please submit your presentation by 22 February 2016. Participants are kindly requested to follow the presentation guidelines.


Sponsors who wish to do so may send us a short descriptive text on their company and activity in any of the three official languages of the conference (Spanish, Portuguese and/or English), which will be included in the Sponsorship section of the conference website. Sponsors are likewise advised to provide their company logo in high resolution format to the Conference Organising Committee, so that it may be featured on the conference website and abstract book with sufficient quality. The above information may be emailed to the Organising Committee at the following address: rne-cie2016@ua.es, specifying “Advertising material for company X” in the subject field.